Monday 15 February 2016

The Way Of Kubrick: Final Piece
This piece is based around the famous Stanley Kubrick film 'The Shining' where we had to re-create the meaning of one of this films based on interpretation. My piece is supposed to represent that the interior of the hotel where all the chaos takes place is a complete maze in itself  and the interior is almost like a completely separate place, the outward appearance of the hotel is just and outside perspective, or a model.

Techniques used: Letter Press and Laser Cutting

Friday 12 February 2016



Examples of my current designs for the street-wear clothing brand 'Mauvais London'.

This was part of my A2 Branding project in which I created a streetwear brand and final outcomes.
 The word 'Mauvais' meaning Bad in French was inspired by Michael Jackson's 'Bad' album cover, one of the most iconic/memorable album covers in history I took a lot of influence from that and to reform something contemporary.

Thursday 11 February 2016

This was the final outcome for the project, I scanned drawings from my sketchbook into Photoshop where the design was edited then printed onto t-shirts and Hoodies using Screen printing as well as Laser Tranfers.
I've also shown development pages of sketches which lead to the final outcome as well as social media links and how I plan to progress the project onto a serious street-wear brand in the future.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

AS Project: Video Game Design

For this project did a lot of research into my influences and video games I enjoy which made drawing endless sketches simple, these are examples of a few sketches that were scanned into Illustrator to create Xbox Game templates.
I always work with quick sketches as a lot can be refined with editing processes so detail isn't too necessary I'm more interested in creating new ideas and developing on them through editing programs.

Tuesday 9 February 2016


The concept behind this was to show the power digital photographs or photography has on how we remember parts of our lives and also how the only time we actually experience the real object in-front of us is in the moment we're at the location.
The two photographs are reflections of water purposely edited with damaged pixels ironically trying to convey something that appears realistic but in reality it's only a reflection and a memory created through pixels.
My previous foundation year project towards Anti-Discrimination.
This was aimed at the endless cycle of inequality young African -Americans have to endure throughout their lives and the power that education can have in terms of them breaking out of that institutionalised racism that one could argue America was built on.
Made with Letter- Press and Illustrator


One of my initial designs for 'The way of Kubrick' Brief.
The inspiration was from my primary research of visiting cinemas and a lot of the advertisements had a comical/cartoon effect to them which stood out and appealed to the teenage audience who visit cinemas. Also one of the most famous scenes of The Shining that I'm sure most audiences would recognise.

Created from an intial drawing and Photoshop